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Fri, 24 Mar 2000 01:00:33 -0800


There was always more to the republic than the creation of an
Australian Head of State. The National Watchman No 7 (October
1999) stated that


For those that doubted the above as dramatic it is salient to note
that the Asianisation of Australia is now officially part of the
mainstream media push as all Australians are educated to the
'benefits' of globalisation. Pulling no punches The Sydney Morning
Herald’s Spectrum (Saturday  March 18 2000) article ALL OUR
TOMORROW's reviewed the possible future political integration of
Australian and Indonesia. Today, for the article's author Richard
Tanter, “there is a possibility of a shared future, if we can find it and
face it”. For he predicts that Indonesia will invade Australia; the
logical solution (for a disarmed Australia) is to coalesce now and
avoid the bloodshed. The result will be  “in some sense a return to
the pre-imperial South East Asia in which borders mattered less”.

When Tanter's "result" is focused upon many of the changes in the northern parts of 
Australia congeal into a mass of definite form. For instance hidden in his article was 
the following paragraph that describes the covert
attempts by elements in Australia to disenfranchise "Heritage" Australians of more 
land rights in preparation for that eventual day.

“The Mabo case led to recognition of prior ownership of the Australian continent by 
its indigenous inhabitants. Building on Mabo, Australian lawyers have proposed that 
Australia recognise the traditional fishing rights of
 Indonesian fishermen from the island of Roti, near the western tip of Timor. For more 
than 400 years these people have fished for shark, trepang, trochus, sponges and 
molluscs in the shallow waters around Ashmore Reef of
 north-western Australia”

After giving land rights to Aborigines we are being told we must give them to 
Indonesians. Simply translated this is "Economic Integration" carried on by subterfuge 
and enforced in law courts rather than in the parliament
 by the politicians.

The reader will soon see, as this article progresses, that Economic Integration cannot 
be separated from Political Integration. What the Sydney Morning Herald makes clear is 
that Australia is to be joined to Indonesian an
d then into an Asian Economic Trading block. The Australian Heritage culture will 
disappear in the change.

The concerns of the Australian citizen, your concerns, will not count in the splendid 
vision of the elites. It is as Paul Keating made clear that “ The case for re-defining 
Australia as an Asian country was grounded on th
e assumption that economies over-rule culture in shaping the destiny of nations”. YES 
- ECONOMIES OVERRULE CULTURE ! In this process even the High Court is prepared to 
overturn fundamental legal doctrine and its own case
law to achieve the results of the real 'controllers' of our society.

The Federal government’s is not immune from the 'controllers'. Thus the National 
Library of Australia, for instance, has canceled orders for books and newspapers about 
Western civilisation. Simply, under the New World Ord
er Asianisation plan,  Australia is to be made ‘Indonesia  literate’ in preparation 
for our final integration into the Asian region.

The Northern Territory, due to its close proximity to Indonesia and  'direct' control 
by Canberra, has been the first state to Asianise.  John Hepworth, University of South 
Australia lecturer in South East Asian politics
summed up the situation. “[W]ith its long term Asian population and proximity, Darwin 
has become much more a minor provincial town of  South East Asia than an Australian 
city”. (The Sydney Morning Herald, Good Weekend Mag
azine -22/02/1997). Our educational integration with Indonesia is well under way with 
the necessary educational assimilation of Australia’s young. “More than 80 percent of 
all primary school children in Darwin study Indon
esian from the age of five”.

The University of the Northern Territory has canceled its English Literature courses, 
substituting Indonesia and Chinese literature, to assist their focus on the Asian 
region.   ABC television (7/7/97) reported that the c
ore of the English department has been sacked. The Daily Telegraph clarifies the 
reality of the Asianisation that has been completed in Northern Territory's 
educational institutions.

"Some literary studies will still be available - through Indonesian and Chinese 
literature, and as components of units in such areas as Black Studies and Women’s 
Studies”. Hence in the future the “university will concentr
ate on Indonesia studies and Aboriginal studies”   (Daily Telegraph 26/06/1997)

Today Indonesia is a major player in the Australian meat market. The GOOD WEEKEND 
MAGAZINE (Sydney Morning Herald 22/02/1997) detailed how one Indonesian family now 
owns 1.5% of the Northern Territory with a further 1% ow
ned by the Sultan of Brunei. That is nearly 3% of the land area of the  Northern 
Territory owned by Indonesian South East Asia - at a minimum. (This was detailed in 
only a single article after what appears preliminary res
earch by a single reporter).

“The Sultan of Brunei  now owns three of the Territories biggest cattle properties. 
The Sabah Government has three stations covering more than 9,000 sq km  and the 
Sarawak Government has one. And the biggest foreign land
 investor in the Northern Territory is now the Indonesian Bakrie family group, 
following its $ 100 million plus purchase of 11 stations and 18,800 sq km of land from 
the Warran Anderson Tippery group in 1993”.

Tanter’s article, reviewed in the above light, makes certain the intent of many of our 
politician's concealed statements on Asia. Review the following in light of Tanter's 
article and thesis.

The former Treasurer and Prime Minister of Australia said in 1997 that, “"I am utterly 
convinced that our prosperity, our national well-being, our ability to maintain and 
build a good society, depends upon our courage in
moving boldly to integrate our economy with the economies of Asia".

William Hayden , former leader of the Labor Party and subsequently Governor General. 
“I believe that if you look at things in the span of history, and not in one man's  
lifetime, we will become not just a multicultural so
ciety which seem to be a soft sort of terminology anyway, we will become a Eurasian 
society and we will be all the better for it” (Melbourne Age  May 10 th 1983) or "It 
is inevitable that Australia will become an Eurasian
 country.... A new race will emerge; I happen to think that this is desirable" (Asia 
Week 19 / 8/ 1983 pp.7)

Perhaps this understanding, i.e. that the Asianisation of Australia is being planed by 
both major parties, is why the editor of The Bangkok Post had the confidence to say 
"Australians have to come to terms with the inevit
ability of their Asian destiny".

Tanter can, after many years of push by Australian politicians, with confidence 
correctly state that “‘Indonesia’ and ‘Australia’ are today part of the same global 
economic system”.  The ECONOMIC INTEGRATION is now accept
ed as a fact! “Indeed," Tanter says, "the two countries, apparently so different, were 
formed by the same pressures that are still transforming the world today”.

Tanter is correct although not in his sense. The reality is that world is being 
transformed by an elite caste : Tanter's "same pressures" are simply the elite caste 
who now have direct control over the governments of the
world. Tanter is forced to ask, by the evolution of his argument and the reality of 
the new Australian political condition,  “Is it think about an Asian 
Community, or a South-East Asian Community? Already both
 countries are part of the stuttering Asia Pacific Economic Co-Operation (APEC) 
Forum”. This of course is a self answering question as the facts that Tanter provides 
can hardly be absurd!

The real purpose of APEC can now be seen if it is viewed as a vehicle to bring into 
being the primary infrastructure around which political integration into an Asian 
superstate can take place. Today this is under way in s
ubtle ways. China has purchased the South Australian electricity grid. We now purchase 
steel from Asia.  The Courier Mail, as long ago as 1992 (21/04/92), noted,

"An award winning Brisbane computer software company has sold an administration 
package to the Australian and Indonesian defence force in a sales pitch which could 
link the armies of South-East Asia on one multi-million d
ollar computer". Simply the future plan for the integration of Australia and 
Indonesia's military forces is well in place. We do not train Indonesians soldiers 
just because they are our regional neighbour.

Ominously, the end result of political integration will be that Australia is governed 
by Asia, through APEC, or a similar body; this will be AustralAsia. With this process 
the creation of the AustralAsia is to follow the
standard formula that was used, by the New World Order planners, for the creation of 

Changes will of course have to be made to incorporate this brave new vision of the 
elites. One casualty must be the Australian concept of the political system. 
"Democracy", says Tanter in the Sydney Morning Herald ”,in Au
stralia as much as Indonesia, needs rethinking on the basis of shared transnational 
interests to regulate highly mobile capital". Translated we must accommodate the 
desires and plans of the 'elite caste' of the New World

Tanter, of course, is able to put the correct spin on this. "Yet the mobility of 
capital in this age of globalisation mocks and exploits the caste solidarities of 
nation labour. Nothing is easier than to close a factory i
n  Wangarattta and move it to Tangerang. If we were to take things seriously in this 
single system, we would be looking for ways to equalise labour condition in the two 
places. That is already happening, but on the worst
possible terms on both sides...What is needed is some frame work that will begin to 
allow a flow of labour to be the two parts of this single, imaginary system of 
"Indonesia” and "Australia". At the same time there should
 develop a "leveling up" (instead of the current "leveling down") of the political and 
environmental playing field in which labour is brought and sold."

Fine words and a wonderful spin. Somehow I cannot see a mass Australian migration to 
Indonesia to experience their labour conditions. Thus personally this writer has more 
belief in the words of Neil Baird ( News Report Is
sue 62 Tuesday March 21 2000 - Email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]) who wrote,

" Welcome to Howard's brave new labor world. We have started on the path to two very 
distinct parallel yet divergent societies - Similar to China's Hong Kong - One Country 
/ Two Systems.

The workers increasingly will be rostered 12 -14 hour shifts in a 24 hour clock. The 
starting and finishing times of shifts will vary based on the flexible needs of the 
employer and not of the employee. Families will come
 under increasing strain and yet more will not survive, not that many are surviving 
now. Children will increasing rarely see one of the parents. This will lead 
progressively to the dumbing down of the next generation, eve
n more than has already occurred.

The workers will increasingly be driven down into economic slavery. Real wages 
stagnating and then falling rapidly, once the Unions are completely emasculated. The 
working conditions progressively worsening until they are
 not much better than Malaysia... But not stopping there, until they are ultimately on 
a par with China, Indonesia and India. The lowest common denominator."

While Tanter's article is hidden in conjecture he does, finally, declare what for our 
politicians must be a known fact. "An Asian version of the European Economic Community 
would involve a great deal more than APEC's dere
gulation of trade barriers...Is a new category of shared "Indonesia-Australian 
“citizenship inconceivable?" Nothing is to stop the jingoism that will lead us into an 
alliance with Indonesia for somehow, Tanter makes clear
,  “three decades of dictatorship and mass murder...makes it all
the more important to do exactly that”.

The summary of all this is that ECONOMIES OVERRULE
economic integration.  But this is not the most important point. All
this can only come about AFTER the removal of Australia’s current
racial and political heritage. The Anglo Saxon Westminster System
dominated by a Constitutional Crown.  Our legal and political
integration with Britain must be removed before our political and
legal integration with Asia.

In the above context it is interesting to note the exploits of Mr.
Jason Yat-Sen who was the ‘superstar’ of the Constitutional
Convention; without his cleverness there would, today, be no
republic. At the convention he was one of the few, privileged
“ungrouped”;  representing no particular group because of his
‘charisma’ and credentials of power.

The Sydney Morning Herald (12/02/98) reported on his last minute
deal that created the Republic that was brought before the
Australian people in November. Mr. Yat Sen Li’s photo dwarfed all
else on the front page of Sydney’s ‘newspaper of record’.  Under
his photo, in an emphatic style were words, which almost credited
Yat Sen Li as being the sole architect of the republic; they were
“The republic Jason Li helped build”. On page four followed a
second story on this amazing Asian constitution builder. This story
was titled “Jason’s republican coup”.

In the last days of the Constitutional Convention the factions could
not come to agreement. The last minute peace deal forged was the
work of Jason; the Sydney Morning Herald described this as
‘Jason’s day’, so powerful was his role in bringing the republic

“One of the youngest delegates, Mr. Jason Yat-Sen Li , became a
star when Mr. Turnbull incorporated his ideas for community
consultation  in electing a president in the winning republican
model....[the day] belonged to Jason, a young man busy in the
back rooms and corridors of Old Parliament House, helping to plan
the future shape of the nation”.

Mr. Jason Yat-Sen Li is one Asian Australian who understands that
British culture must perish for the vision of the elites, an Asianised
Australia, to exist. "For Non English Speaking Background (NESB)
Australians," has said, "becoming a republic will signify an end to
Australia kow-towing to British institutions and British superiority. It
will mean that those who cling to the power and status of the
former British empire will no longer find an official ally in the
symbols of our nation...Those proud of their British heritage have
every right to be so, but they cannot use that pride as a reason for
preserving the Monarchy in modern multicultural Australia.
Becoming a republic is about proclaiming that Australia now
belongs to [the NESB] Australians in all their diversity." (The
University of New South Wales Law Journal June 1998 V 4 No 2 P

With these words Mr. Jason Yat-Sen Li makes clear that the
republic is integral in the Asianisaiton of Australia. Multiculturalism
is but a precursor to our entry into the Asian trading block and the
final handover of sovereign control to Asian forces and eventually
One World Government.

The political reality that none dare say, in the age of political
correctness, is this. The republic seals the fate of Australia to an
Asian future; in accepting a republic Australians will have accepted
their ‘Asian destiny’. This is a clear choice but clarity does not
ease the burden of the understanding.

Today our politician's multicultural dream has now met the political
reality. Today Asia owns major parts of Australia, Asia own
Australia’s industry and Asians occupy major portions of
Australia’s cities. Our education system is now directed to our
Asian destiny. Our military is linked into Asian command
structures; in our next war with Asia Australians will die under
Asian commanders. Everything  that Asia sought in World War II
and the ‘heritage’ Australians fought to prevent has been achieved
in a time of peace with the aid of globalist political parties. The
republic will complete the peaceful conquest. The end result must
be as predicted by Tanter and endorsed by the Sydney Morning
Herald : an Australia controlled by an Asian Economic Community.

Kerry Spencer-Salt B.E., LL.B (Hons)
The National Watchman
Australian Community Organisation
P.O. Box 136, Surry Hills NSW  2010

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